Class Rule
Defined in File rule.h
Class Documentation
class Rule
Represents a rule used in a rule-based system.
This class encapsulates the attributes and methods needed to handle rules which consist of antecedents and the conditions associated with them.
Public Functions
Rule() = default
Rule(const std::vector<Antecedent> &antecedents, const std::vector<int> &coveredSamples, int out_class, double fidelity, double accuracy, double confidence)
Constructs a Rule object.
- Parameters:
antecedents – Vector of antecedents to insert inside a rule.
coveredSamples – Vector of integers containing the covered samples IDs.
outClass – Integer indicating which class is targetted by the rule.
fidelity – Double indicating the fidelity of the rule.
accuracy – Double indicating the accuracy of the rule.
confidence – Double indicating the confidence of the rule.
inline void setOutputClass(int value)
Sets the output class of the rule.
- Parameters:
value – The new output class.
inline void setCoveringSize(int value)
Sets the covering size of the rule.
- Parameters:
value – The new covering size.
inline void setFidelity(double value)
Sets the fidelity of the rule.
- Parameters:
value – The new fidelity value.
inline void setAccuracy(double value)
Sets the accuracy of the rule.
- Parameters:
value – The new accuracy value.
inline void setConfidence(double value)
Sets the confidence of the rule.
- Parameters:
value – The new confidence value.
inline void setAntecedents(const std::vector<Antecedent> &values)
Sets the antecedents of the rule.
- Parameters:
values – The new antecedents.
inline void setCoveredSamples(const std::vector<int> &values)
Sets the covered samples of the rule and updates the covering size.
- Parameters:
values – The new covered samples.
inline std::vector<Antecedent> getAntecedents() const
Gets the antecedents of the rule.
- Returns:
The antecedents of the rule.
inline int getNbAntecedents() const
Gets the number of antecedents in the rule.
- Returns:
The number of antecedents.
inline std::vector<int> getCoveredSamples() const
Gets the covered samples of the rule.
- Returns:
The covered samples.
inline int getCoveringSize() const
Gets the covering size of the rule.
- Returns:
The covering size.
inline int getOutputClass() const
Gets the output class of the rule.
- Returns:
The output class.
inline double getFidelity() const
Gets the fidelity of the rule.
- Returns:
The fidelity.
inline double getAccuracy() const
Gets the accuracy of the rule.
- Returns:
The accuracy.
inline double getConfidence() const
Gets the confidence of the rule.
- Returns:
The confidence.
inline void addAntecedent(Antecedent value)
Adds an antecedent to the rule.
- Parameters:
value – The antecedent to add.
inline void addCoveredSample(int value)
Adds a covered sample to the rule and updates the covering size.
- Parameters:
value – The sample to add.
std::string toString(const std::vector<std::string> &attributes, const std::vector<std::string> &classes) const
Builds a string presenting every element and value contained by a given rule.
- Parameters:
attributes – Optional vector of strings containing all attributes names, useful to print attribute names instead of integers.
classes – Optional vector of strings containing all class names, useful to print class names instead of an integer.
- Returns:
A string representation of the rule.
Public Static Functions
static std::vector<Rule> fromJsonFile(const std::string &filename, float &decisionThreshold, int &positiveClassIndex)
Parses a JSON file and returns a vector of the parsed rules.
JSON rule format must be like this example: { “rules”: [ { “antecedents”: [ { “attribute”: 0, “inequality”: true, “value”: 0.7231 }, { “attribute”: 3, “inequality”: false, “value”: 0.0031 }, … ], “coveredSamples”: [1,2,3, …], “outputClass”: 0, “fidelity”: 1, “accuracy”: 0.63, “confidence”: 0.8 }, {…} ] }
- Parameters:
filename – Path of the JSON file to be parsed.
decisionThreshold – Reference to a float where the decision threshold will be stored.
positiveClassIndex – Reference to an int where the positive class index will be stored.
- Returns:
A vector of parsed rules.
static void toJsonFile(const std::string &filename, const std::vector<Rule> &rules, float threshold, int positiveIndex)
Writes a vector of rules into a JSON file.
- Parameters:
filename – Name of the file to be written.
rules – Vector of rules to be written.
threshold – Decision threshold.
positiveIndex – Positive class index.
Rule() = default