Class DataSet
Defined in File dimlp/cpp/src/dataSet.h
Class Documentation
class DataSet
Represents a dataset for the Dimlp algorithm.
This class handles reading datasets from files, storing them, and providing methods to manipulate and access the data.
Public Functions
DataSet() = default
Default constructor.
explicit DataSet(int nbEx)
Construct a DataSet with a specified number of examples.
- Parameters:
nbEx – Number of examples.
DataSet(const std::string &nameFile, int nbAttr)
Construct a DataSet from a file with a specified number of attributes.
- Parameters:
nameFile – Path to the dataset file.
nbAttr – Number of attributes.
DataSet(const std::string &nameFile, int nbIn, int nbOut)
Construct a DataSet from a file with a specified number of attributes and classes.
- Parameters:
nameFile – Path to the data file.
nbIn – Number of input attributes (attributes).
nbOut – Number of output attributes (class labels).
- Throws:
FileContentError – If there is a problem with the file format or content.
DataSet(DataSet &bigData, StringInt *listPat)
Construct a DataSet from a larger dataset and a list of pattern indices.
- Parameters:
bigData – Larger dataset.
listPat – List of pattern indices.
DataSet(DataSet &master, const int *indPat, int nbEx)
Construct a DataSet from a master dataset and an array of pattern indices.
- Parameters:
master – Master dataset.
indPat – Array of pattern indices.
nbEx – Number of examples.
DataSet(DataSet &data1, DataSet &data2)
Construct a DataSet by merging two datasets.
- Parameters:
data1 – First dataset.
data2 – Second dataset.
void Del()
Delete the dataset and free memory.
inline float *GetExample(int index)
Get an example from the dataset.
- Parameters:
index – Index of the example.
- Returns:
Pointer to the example.
inline int GetNbEx() const
Get the number of examples.
- Returns:
Number of examples.
inline int GetNbAttr() const
Get the number of attributes.
- Returns:
Number of attributes.
Select examples from the dataset based on a given rule.
- Parameters:
r – Pointer to the rule.
- Returns:
Pointer to a StringInt object containing the selected example indices.
Select examples from a subset of the dataset based on a given rule.
void ExtractDataAndTarget(DataSet &data1, int nbAttr1, DataSet &data2, int nbAttr2) const
Extract data and target (class) attributes from the current dataset.
- Parameters:
data1 – Dataset for the attributes.
nbAttr1 – Number of attributes.
data2 – Dataset for the targets (classes).
nbAttr2 – Number of targets (classes).
- Throws:
FileContentError – If the class data is missing or invalid.
DataSet() = default