Class Hyperspace

Class Documentation

class Hyperspace

Represents a hyperspace composed of all the possible hyperplanes in this space and that manages a hyperbox and its associated discriminative hyperplanes.

This class encapsulates the attributes and methods needed to handle a hyperspace which includes a hyperbox and the possible hyperplanes in the feature space that discriminate between different classes of samples.

Public Functions


Default constructor for Hyperspace.

explicit Hyperspace(const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &matHypLocus)

Constructs a Hyperspace object with a specified matrix of possible hyperplanes.

Constructs a Hyperspace object with a specified 2D vector of doubles of possible hyperplanes.


matHypLocus – 2D vector of doubles representing all the possible hyperplanes.

std::shared_ptr<Hyperbox> getHyperbox() const

Gets the hyperbox associated with the hyperspace.


Shared pointer to the Hyperbox object.

std::vector<std::vector<double>> getHyperLocus() const

Gets the matrix of possible hyperplanes in the hyperspace.

Gets the 2D vector of doubles of possible hyperplanes in the hyperspace.


2D vector of doubles representing all the possible hyperplanes.

Rule ruleExtraction(std::vector<double> &mainSampleData, const int mainSamplePred, double ruleAccuracy, double ruleConfidence, const std::vector<double> &mus = std::vector<double>(), const std::vector<double> &sigmas = std::vector<double>(), const std::vector<int> &normalizationIndices = std::vector<int>())

Extracts a rule from the hyperspace based on the main sample data and its prediction.

  • mainSampleData – Data of the main sample.

  • mainSamplePred – Prediction of the main sample.

  • ruleAccuracy – Accuracy of the rule.

  • ruleConfidence – Confidence of the rule.

  • mus – Means for the denormalization of the rule values (optional).

  • sigmas – Standard deviations for the denormalization of the rule values (optional).

  • normalizationIndices – Indices for the denormalization of the rule values (optional).


A Rule object representing the extracted rule.

double computeRuleAccuracy(std::vector<int> &trainPreds, std::vector<int> &trainTrueClass, bool hasTrueClasses, bool mainSampleCorrect = false) const

Computes the accuracy of the rule with respect to the training predictions and true classes of the covered samples.

  • trainPreds – Predictions of the training data.

  • trainTrueClass – True classes of the training data.

  • hasTrueClasses – Boolean indicating if true classes are available.

  • mainSampleCorrect – Boolean indicating if the main sample is correctly classified.


The accuracy of the rule.

double computeRuleConfidence(std::vector<std::vector<double>> &trainOutputValuesPredictions, const int mainSamplePred, double mainSamplePredValue = -1.0) const

Computes the confidence of the rule with respect to the main sample prediction and training output values of the covered samples.

  • trainOutputValuesPredictions – Output values of the training data predictions.

  • rulePred – Prediction of the rule.

  • mainSamplePredValueOnRulePred – Output value of the main sample prediction (optional).


The confidence of the rule.