Class Parameters
Defined in File parameters.h
Class Documentation
class Parameters
The Parameters class manages configuration parameters for each program.
This class handles the parsing, validation, and storage of parameters passed via command-line arguments or a JSON configuration file. It supports various data types and provides utility functions to ensure parameters are correctly set and valid.
Public Functions
Parameters() = default
explicit Parameters(const std::vector<std::string> &args, const std::vector<ParameterCode> &validParams)
Construct a new Parameters object containing all arguments passed by CLI.
- Parameters:
args – Program arguments.
validParams – Valid parameter codes.
explicit Parameters(const std::string &jsonfile, const std::vector<ParameterCode> &validParams)
Construct a new Parameters object containing all arguments passed by JSON config file.
- Parameters:
jsonfile – JSON config file name.
validParams – Valid parameter codes.
void setInt(ParameterCode id, const std::string &value)
Sets an integer parameter from a string value.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The string value to convert and set as the integer parameter.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set or if the value is not a valid integer.
void setInt(ParameterCode id, int value)
Sets an integer parameter.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The integer value to set.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set.
void setFloat(ParameterCode id, const std::string &value)
Sets a float parameter from a string value.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The string value to convert and set as the float parameter.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set or if the value is not a valid float.
void setFloat(ParameterCode id, float value)
Sets a float parameter.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The float value to set.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set.
void setDouble(ParameterCode id, const std::string &value)
Sets a double parameter from a string value.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The string value to convert and set as the double parameter.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set or if the value is not a valid double.
void setDouble(ParameterCode id, double value)
Sets a double parameter.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The double value to set.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set.
void setBool(ParameterCode id, std::string value)
Sets a boolean parameter from a string value.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The string value to convert and set as the boolean parameter.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set or if the value is not a valid boolean.
void setBool(ParameterCode id, bool value)
Sets a boolean parameter.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The boolean value to set.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set.
void setDoubleVector(ParameterCode id, const std::string &value)
Sets a double vector parameter from a string value.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The string value to convert and set as the double vector parameter.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set or if the value is not a valid list of doubles.
void setDoubleVector(ParameterCode id, const std::vector<double> &value)
Sets a double vector parameter.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The vector of double values to set.
void setIntVector(ParameterCode id, const std::string &value)
Sets an integer vector parameter from a string value.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The string value to convert and set as the integer vector parameter.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set or if the value is not a valid list of integers.
void setIntVector(ParameterCode id, const std::vector<int> &value)
Sets an integer vector parameter.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The vector of integer values to set.
void setString(ParameterCode id, const std::string &value)
Sets a string parameter.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code to set.
value – The string value to set.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is already set.
void setDefaultInt(ParameterCode id, int value)
Sets a default integer value for the given parameter code if not already set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
defaultValue – The default value to set.
void setDefaultFloat(ParameterCode id, float value)
Sets a default float value for the given parameter code if not already set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
defaultValue – The default value to set.
void setDefaultDouble(ParameterCode id, double value)
Sets a default double value for the given parameter code if not already set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
defaultValue – The default value to set.
void setDefaultBool(ParameterCode id, bool value)
Sets a default boolean value for the given parameter code if not already set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
defaultValue – The default value to set.
void setDefaultDoubleVector(ParameterCode id, const std::string &defaultValue)
Sets a default double vector value for the given parameter code if not already set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
defaultValue – The default value to set.
void setDefaultIntVector(ParameterCode id, const std::string &defaultValue)
Sets a default integer vector value for the given parameter code if not already set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
defaultValue – The default value to set.
void setDefaultString(ParameterCode id, const std::string &defaultValue, bool withRoot = false)
Sets a default string value for the given parameter code if not already set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
defaultValue – The default value to set.
withRoot – Whether to prepend the ROOT_FOLDER to the default value.
int getInt(ParameterCode id)
Gets the integer value for the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
- Returns:
The integer value associated with the parameter code.
float getFloat(ParameterCode id)
Gets the float value for the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
- Returns:
The float value associated with the parameter code.
double getDouble(ParameterCode id)
Gets the double value for the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
- Returns:
The double value associated with the parameter code.
bool getBool(ParameterCode id)
Gets the boolean value for the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
- Returns:
The boolean value associated with the parameter code.
std::vector<double> getDoubleVector(ParameterCode id)
Gets the vector of double values for the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
- Returns:
The vector of double values associated with the parameter code.
std::vector<int> getIntVector(ParameterCode id)
Gets the vector of integer values for the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
- Returns:
The vector of integer values associated with the parameter code.
std::string getString(ParameterCode id)
Gets the string value for the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
- Returns:
The string value associated with the parameter code.
StringInt getArch()
Gets the architecture of hidden layers.
- Returns:
The architecture of hidden layers.
StringInt getArchInd()
Gets the indices of the architecture of hidden layers.
- Returns:
The indices of the architecture of hidden layers.
inline std::map<ParameterCode, int> getAllInts() const
Gets all integer parameters.
- Returns:
A map of all integer parameters.
inline std::map<ParameterCode, float> getAllFloats() const
Gets all float parameters.
- Returns:
A map of all float parameters.
inline std::map<ParameterCode, double> getAllDoubles() const
Gets all double parameters.
- Returns:
A map of all double parameters.
inline std::map<ParameterCode, bool> getAllBools() const
Gets all boolean parameters.
- Returns:
A map of all boolean parameters.
inline std::map<ParameterCode, std::vector<double>> getAllDoubleVectors() const
Gets all double vector parameters.
- Returns:
A map of all double vector parameters.
inline std::map<ParameterCode, std::vector<int>> getAllIntVectors() const
Gets all integer vector parameters.
- Returns:
A map of all integer vector parameters.
inline std::map<ParameterCode, std::string> getAllStrings() const
Gets all string parameters.
- Returns:
A map of all string parameters.
bool isIntSet(ParameterCode id)
Checks if an integer parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
True if the parameter is set, false otherwise.
bool isFloatSet(ParameterCode id)
Checks if a float parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
True if the parameter is set, false otherwise.
bool isDoubleSet(ParameterCode id)
Checks if a double parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
True if the parameter is set, false otherwise.
bool isBoolSet(ParameterCode id)
Checks if a boolean parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
True if the parameter is set, false otherwise.
bool isDoubleVectorSet(ParameterCode id)
Checks if a double vector parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
True if the parameter is set, false otherwise.
bool isIntVectorSet(ParameterCode id)
Checks if an integer vector parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
True if the parameter is set, false otherwise.
bool isStringSet(ParameterCode id) const
Checks if a string parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
True if the parameter is set, false otherwise.
void sanitizePath(ParameterCode id, bool shouldFileExist)
Handles every aspect of parameters that represents files.
Checks if a file exists if “shouldFileExist” is set to true.
Appends the ROOT_FOLDER path to every file if ROOT_FOLDER is set.
- Parameters:
id – Parameter code to be processed.
shouldFileExist – Flag indicating whether the file should exist.
void writeHiddenLayersFile()
Write the configuration of hidden layers to a file.
void readHiddenLayersFile(StringInt &arch, StringInt &archInd)
Reads, checks, and stores the hidden layers configuration file.
Format of the file: The file format should include pairs of strictly positive integers on each line, where the first integer represents the layer’s ID (starting at 1 and incrementing by 1 for each layer) and the second integer represents the number of neurons in that layer. The first layer’s number of neurons must be a multiple of the number of attributes.
template<typename T>
inline std::string vectorToString(const std::vector<T> &vec) const Converts a vector of any type to a string representation.
- Template Parameters:
T – The type of elements in the vector.
- Parameters:
vec – The vector to convert.
- Returns:
std::string The string representation of the vector.
void assertStringExists(ParameterCode id) const
Asserts that a string parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
void assertIntExists(ParameterCode id)
Asserts that an integer parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
void assertFloatExists(ParameterCode id)
Asserts that a float parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
void assertDoubleExists(ParameterCode id)
Asserts that a double parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
void assertBoolExists(ParameterCode id)
Asserts that a boolean parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
void assertDoubleVectorExists(ParameterCode id)
Asserts that a double vector parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
void assertIntVectorExists(ParameterCode id)
Asserts that an integer vector parameter is set.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the parameter is not set.
void checkAttributeAndClassCounts()
Checks the attribute and class counts for validity.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if the number of attributes or classes is invalid.
void checkParametersCommon()
Checks common parameters for validity.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if any common parameter is invalid.
void checkParametersFidex()
Checks Fidex-specific parameters for validity.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if any Fidex parameter is invalid.
void checkParametersDecisionThreshold()
Checks decision threshold and positive class index parameters for validity.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if any parameter is invalid.
void checkParametersDimlpTrn()
Checks Dimlp training specific parameters for validity.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if any Dimlp training parameter is invalid.
void checkParametersNormalization()
Checks normalization parameters for validity.
- Throws:
CommandArgumentException – if any normalization parameter is invalid.
void setDefaultNbQuantLevels()
Sets the default number of quantization levels.
void setDefaultDecisionThreshold()
Sets the default values of decision threshold and positive class index parameters.
Public Static Functions
static std::string getParameterName(ParameterCode id)
Gets the name of the parameter associated with the given parameter code.
- Parameters:
id – The parameter code.
- Returns:
The name of the parameter.
Parameters() = default