Class BpNN

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class BpNN

Represents a Backpropagation Neural Network (BpNN).

This class implements the structure and functionalities of a neural network using backpropagation for training.

Subclassed by Dimlp

Public Functions

inline int GetNbLayers() const

Gets the number of layers.


The number of layers.

inline int GetNbWeightLayers() const

Gets the number of weight layers.


The number of weight layers.

int Max(const std::vector<float> &vec) const

Finds the index of the maximum value in a vector.


vec – The vector to search.


The index of the maximum value.

inline std::shared_ptr<Layer> GetLayer(int indLayer)

Gets the layer at the specified index.


indLayer – The index of the layer.


The shared pointer to the layer.

void SaveWeights(const std::string &str, int netId) const

Saves the weights to a specified file.

  • str – The file to which the weights are saved.

  • netId – The ID of the network.

virtual void ForwardOneExample1(DataSet &data, int index)

Forwards one example through the network.

  • data – The dataset containing the example.

  • index – The index of the example in the dataset.

virtual void ForwardOneExample1(float *ex)

Forwards one example through the network.


ex – The example to forward.

virtual void ForwardOneExample1()

Forwards one example through the network.

void ReadWeights() const

Reads the weights from a file.

void PrintSpecErrDimlp(float specErr, float specAcc) const

Prints the specific error for the Dimlp network.

  • specErr – The specific error.

  • specAcc – The specific accuracy.

inline virtual void PrintSpecErr(float err, float acc)

Prints the specific error.

  • err – The error.

  • acc – The accuracy.

void DefineSmlp()

Defines a Smlp (standard multilayer perceptron) network.

void DefineDimlp(int discrLevels)

Defines a Dimlp network with a Dimlp layer that uses a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineQmlp(int discrLevels)

Defines a Qmlp (Quantized multilayer perceptron) network with a Dimlp layer that uses a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineFdimlp(int discrLevels)

Defines a Fdimlp network with a Dimlp layer and a fuzzy Dimlp layer that use a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineFdimlp2(int discrLevels)

Defines a Fdimlp2 network with a Dimlp layer and a fuzzy Dimlp layer that use a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineSD(int discrLevels)

Defines a SD (Quantized Support Vector Machine Dot product (linear kernel)) network with a layer using an identity activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineSP3(int discrLevels)

Defines a SP3 network with a layer using a cubic activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineSP4(int discrLevels)

Defines a SP4 network with a layer using a quartic (fourth power) activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineSP5(int discrLevels)

Defines a SP5 network with a layer using a quintic (fifth power) activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

void DefineSR(int discrLevels)

Defines a SR (Quantized Support Vector Machine Radial basis function) network that uses a specialized radial basis function (RBF) layer with a Gaussian activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.


discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.

float ComputeError(DataSet &data, DataSet &target, float *accuracy)

Computes the error and accuracy by performing the forward pass.

  • data – The dataset containing the examples.

  • target – The target dataset.

  • accuracy – Pointer to store the accuracy.


The computed error.

void TrainPhase(DataSet &train, DataSet &trainTar, DataSet &test, DataSet &testTar, DataSet &valid, DataSet &validTar, const std::string &accuracyFile, bool fromBT = false)

Trains the network.

  • train – The training dataset.

  • trainTar – The training target dataset.

  • test – The testing dataset.

  • testTar – The testing target dataset.

  • valid – The validation dataset.

  • validTar – The validation target dataset.

  • accuracyFile – The file to save accuracy statistics.

  • fromBT – Flag to indicate if training is done with bagging.

BpNN(const BpNN&) = default

Default copy constructor for BpNN.

This constructor creates a new instance of BpNN as a copy of an existing instance.

BpNN &operator=(const BpNN&) = default

Default copy assignment operator for BpNN.

This operator assigns the values from an existing instance of BpNN to another instance.


A reference to the assigned BpNN instance.

virtual ~BpNN() = default

Virtual destructor for BpNN.

This destructor ensures that the destructor of the derived class is called when an object is deleted through a pointer to the base class.

BpNN(float eta, float mu, float flat, float errParam, float accuracyParam, float deltaErrParam, int showErrParam, int nbEpochsParam, int nbLayers, const std::vector<int> &nbNeurons, const std::string &saveFile, const std::string &printNetType, int seed = 0)

Constructs a BpNN with the specified parameters.

  • eta – Learning rate for weight updates.

  • mu – Momentum rate for weight updates.

  • flat – Flatness parameter used in some activation functions.

  • errParam – Error threshold parameter.

  • accuracyParam – Accuracy threshold parameter.

  • deltaErrParam – Delta error threshold parameter.

  • showErrParam – Number of epochs between error displays.

  • nbEpochsParam – Number of epochs for training.

  • nbLayers – Total number of layers including input and output layers.

  • nbNeurons – Number of neurons in each layer.

  • saveFile – The file to which the network’s weights are saved.

  • printNetType – The type of network to print.

  • seed – Seed for random number generation.

BpNN(const std::string &readFile, int nbLayers, const std::vector<int> &nbNeurons, const std::string &printNetType, int netId = 1)

Constructs a BpNN from a file.

  • readFile – The file from which to read the network’s weights.

  • nbLayers – Total number of layers including input and output layers.

  • nbNeurons – Number of neurons in each layer.

  • printNetType – The type of network to print.

  • netId – Network ID, used for identifying networks in a file.

BpNN(const std::string &readFile, float eta, float mu, float flat, float errParam, float accuracyParam, float deltaErrParam, int showErrParam, int nbEpochsParam, int nbLayers, const std::vector<int> &nbNeurons, const std::string &saveFile, const std::string &printNetType, int seed = 0)

Constructs a BpNN with the specified parameters and reads weights from a file.

  • readFile – The file from which to read the network’s weights.

  • eta – Learning rate for weight updates.

  • mu – Momentum rate for weight updates.

  • flat – Flatness parameter used in some activation functions.

  • errParam – Error threshold parameter.

  • accuracyParam – Accuracy threshold parameter.

  • deltaErrParam – Delta error threshold parameter.

  • showErrParam – Number of epochs between error displays.

  • nbEpochsParam – Number of epochs for training.

  • nbLayers – Total number of layers including input and output layers.

  • nbNeurons – Number of neurons in each layer.

  • saveFile – The file to which the network’s weights are saved.

  • printNetType – The type of network to print.

  • seed – Seed for random number generation.

Public Static Functions

static void resetInitRandomGen()

Resets the random generator initialization flag.