Class BpNN
Defined in File bpNN.h
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
public Dimlp
(Class Dimlp)
Class Documentation
class BpNN
Represents a Backpropagation Neural Network (BpNN).
This class implements the structure and functionalities of a neural network using backpropagation for training.
Subclassed by Dimlp
Public Functions
inline int GetNbLayers() const
Gets the number of layers.
- Returns:
The number of layers.
inline int GetNbWeightLayers() const
Gets the number of weight layers.
- Returns:
The number of weight layers.
int Max(const std::vector<float> &vec) const
Finds the index of the maximum value in a vector.
- Parameters:
vec – The vector to search.
- Returns:
The index of the maximum value.
inline std::shared_ptr<Layer> GetLayer(int indLayer)
Gets the layer at the specified index.
- Parameters:
indLayer – The index of the layer.
- Returns:
The shared pointer to the layer.
void SaveWeights(const std::string &str, int netId) const
Saves the weights to a specified file.
- Parameters:
str – The file to which the weights are saved.
netId – The ID of the network.
virtual void ForwardOneExample1(DataSet &data, int index)
Forwards one example through the network.
- Parameters:
data – The dataset containing the example.
index – The index of the example in the dataset.
virtual void ForwardOneExample1(float *ex)
Forwards one example through the network.
- Parameters:
ex – The example to forward.
virtual void ForwardOneExample1()
Forwards one example through the network.
void ReadWeights() const
Reads the weights from a file.
void PrintSpecErrDimlp(float specErr, float specAcc) const
Prints the specific error for the Dimlp network.
- Parameters:
specErr – The specific error.
specAcc – The specific accuracy.
inline virtual void PrintSpecErr(float err, float acc)
Prints the specific error.
- Parameters:
err – The error.
acc – The accuracy.
void DefineSmlp()
Defines a Smlp (standard multilayer perceptron) network.
void DefineDimlp(int discrLevels)
Defines a Dimlp network with a Dimlp layer that uses a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineQmlp(int discrLevels)
Defines a Qmlp (Quantized multilayer perceptron) network with a Dimlp layer that uses a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineFdimlp(int discrLevels)
Defines a Fdimlp network with a Dimlp layer and a fuzzy Dimlp layer that use a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineFdimlp2(int discrLevels)
Defines a Fdimlp2 network with a Dimlp layer and a fuzzy Dimlp layer that use a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineSD(int discrLevels)
Defines a SD (Quantized Support Vector Machine Dot product (linear kernel)) network with a layer using an identity activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineSP3(int discrLevels)
Defines a SP3 network with a layer using a cubic activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineSP4(int discrLevels)
Defines a SP4 network with a layer using a quartic (fourth power) activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineSP5(int discrLevels)
Defines a SP5 network with a layer using a quintic (fifth power) activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
void DefineSR(int discrLevels)
Defines a SR (Quantized Support Vector Machine Radial basis function) network that uses a specialized radial basis function (RBF) layer with a Gaussian activation function and a Dimlp layer with a staircase activation function.
- Parameters:
discrLevels – The number of discrete levels.
float ComputeError(DataSet &data, DataSet &target, float *accuracy)
Computes the error and accuracy by performing the forward pass.
- Parameters:
data – The dataset containing the examples.
target – The target dataset.
accuracy – Pointer to store the accuracy.
- Returns:
The computed error.
void TrainPhase(DataSet &train, DataSet &trainTar, DataSet &test, DataSet &testTar, DataSet &valid, DataSet &validTar, const std::string &accuracyFile, bool fromBT = false)
Trains the network.
- Parameters:
train – The training dataset.
trainTar – The training target dataset.
test – The testing dataset.
testTar – The testing target dataset.
valid – The validation dataset.
validTar – The validation target dataset.
accuracyFile – The file to save accuracy statistics.
fromBT – Flag to indicate if training is done with bagging.
BpNN(const BpNN&) = default
Default copy constructor for BpNN.
This constructor creates a new instance of BpNN as a copy of an existing instance.
BpNN &operator=(const BpNN&) = default
Default copy assignment operator for BpNN.
This operator assigns the values from an existing instance of BpNN to another instance.
- Returns:
A reference to the assigned BpNN instance.
virtual ~BpNN() = default
Virtual destructor for BpNN.
This destructor ensures that the destructor of the derived class is called when an object is deleted through a pointer to the base class.
BpNN(float eta, float mu, float flat, float errParam, float accuracyParam, float deltaErrParam, int showErrParam, int nbEpochsParam, int nbLayers, const std::vector<int> &nbNeurons, const std::string &saveFile, const std::string &printNetType, int seed = 0)
Constructs a BpNN with the specified parameters.
- Parameters:
eta – Learning rate for weight updates.
mu – Momentum rate for weight updates.
flat – Flatness parameter used in some activation functions.
errParam – Error threshold parameter.
accuracyParam – Accuracy threshold parameter.
deltaErrParam – Delta error threshold parameter.
showErrParam – Number of epochs between error displays.
nbEpochsParam – Number of epochs for training.
nbLayers – Total number of layers including input and output layers.
nbNeurons – Number of neurons in each layer.
saveFile – The file to which the network’s weights are saved.
printNetType – The type of network to print.
seed – Seed for random number generation.
BpNN(const std::string &readFile, int nbLayers, const std::vector<int> &nbNeurons, const std::string &printNetType, int netId = 1)
Constructs a BpNN from a file.
- Parameters:
readFile – The file from which to read the network’s weights.
nbLayers – Total number of layers including input and output layers.
nbNeurons – Number of neurons in each layer.
printNetType – The type of network to print.
netId – Network ID, used for identifying networks in a file.
BpNN(const std::string &readFile, float eta, float mu, float flat, float errParam, float accuracyParam, float deltaErrParam, int showErrParam, int nbEpochsParam, int nbLayers, const std::vector<int> &nbNeurons, const std::string &saveFile, const std::string &printNetType, int seed = 0)
Constructs a BpNN with the specified parameters and reads weights from a file.
- Parameters:
readFile – The file from which to read the network’s weights.
eta – Learning rate for weight updates.
mu – Momentum rate for weight updates.
flat – Flatness parameter used in some activation functions.
errParam – Error threshold parameter.
accuracyParam – Accuracy threshold parameter.
deltaErrParam – Delta error threshold parameter.
showErrParam – Number of epochs between error displays.
nbEpochsParam – Number of epochs for training.
nbLayers – Total number of layers including input and output layers.
nbNeurons – Number of neurons in each layer.
saveFile – The file to which the network’s weights are saved.
printNetType – The type of network to print.
seed – Seed for random number generation.
Public Static Functions
static void resetInitRandomGen()
Resets the random generator initialization flag.
inline int GetNbLayers() const