Class Ante

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Ante : public DimlpRule

The Ante class represents an antecedent in a rule, inheriting from the DimlpRule class.

Public Functions

inline int GetVarAnte() const

Get the variable of the antecedent.


The variable of the antecedent.

inline float GetValAnte() const

Get the value of the antecedent.


The value of the antecedent.

inline char GetRelAnte() const

Get the relational operator of the antecedent.


The relational operator of the antecedent.

inline void DelAnte()

Delete the antecedent.

Ante(int var, float val, char rel)

Construct a new Ante object.

  • var – The variable of the antecedent.

  • val – The value of the antecedent.

  • rel – The relational operator of the antecedent.