Function executeFidex(std::vector<std::string>&, DataSetFid&, Parameters&, Hyperspace&, std::vector<double>&, int, double, int, const std::vector<std::string>&, const std::vector<std::string>&)

Function Documentation

void executeFidex(std::vector<std::string> &lines, DataSetFid &trainDataset, Parameters &p, Hyperspace &hyperspace, std::vector<double> &mainSampleValues, int mainSamplePred, double mainSamplePredValue, int mainSampleClass, const std::vector<std::string> &attributeNames, const std::vector<std::string> &classNames)

Executes the Fidex algorithm to extract an explanation rule for a given sample.

This function launches the Fidex algorithm based on the specified parameters, dataset, and hyperspace. It constructs one or multiple explanation rules for the given sample. The results are stored in the provided lines vector, and relevant information is printed to the console.

  • lines – Reference to a vector of strings where the resulting explanation rules and logs will be stored.

  • trainDataset – Reference to the DataSetFid object containing the training data.

  • p – Reference to the Parameters object containing all hyperparameters and settings.

  • hyperspace – Reference to the Hyperspace object constructed from the hyperlocus.

  • mainSampleValues – Reference to a vector of double values representing the main sample’s attributes.

  • mainSamplePred – Integer representing the predicted class of the main sample.

  • mainSamplePredValue – Double representing the prediction value for the main sample.

  • mainSampleClass – Integer representing the true class of the main sample (or -1 if not available).

  • attributeNames – Reference to a vector of strings containing the attribute names.

  • classNames – Reference to a vector of strings containing the class names.