Function SaveOutputs(DataSet&, std::shared_ptr<Dimlp>, int, int, const std::string&)

Function Documentation

void SaveOutputs(DataSet &data, std::shared_ptr<Dimlp> net, int nbOut, int nbWeightLayers, const std::string &outfile)

Saves the outputs of a neural network to a file.

This function performs a forward pass on each data example and writes the network’s outputs to a specified file.

  • data – Reference to the dataset containing the examples.

  • net – Shared pointer to the Dimlp neural network.

  • nbOut – Number of outputs of the network.

  • nbWeightLayers – Number of weight layers in the network.

  • outfile – Name of the file where the outputs will be written.


CannotOpenFileError – If the output file cannot be opened.