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Definition of key terms

Term Meaning
Rule Logical statement defining conditions based on input data to predict a specific class.
Local Rule Rule explaining the model's prediction for a specific data sample by focusing on the conditions relevant to that particular instance.
Global rule Rule providing a general explanation of the model's behavior across the entire dataset.
Antecedent A condition or statement in a rule that must be true for the rule to be activated.
Fidel/Fidelity Measures how well a rule or a set of rules aligns with the model’s predictions.
Accuracy Proportion of correctly predicted classes compared to the total number of predictions.
Covered samples Set of data samples that satisfy the conditions of a specific rule.
Discriminant hyperplanes Boundaries in the feature space that separate different classes based on the conditions defined by a model.

Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronym/abbreviation Meaning
DIMLP Discretized Interpretable Multi-Layer Perceptron
dimlpBT DIMLP + Bag Training
dimlpCls DIMLP + Classification
dimlpTrn DIMLP + Training
dimlpRul DIMLP + Rules extraction
dimlpPred DIMLP + Predictions
densCls Dense + Classification
svmTrn Support Vector Machine + Training
mlpTrn MultiLayer Perceptron + Training
gradBoostTrn Gradient Boosting + Training
randForestsTrn Random Forest + Training
cnnTrn Convolutional Neural Network + Training
Fidex Fidel Explaination
FidexGlo Fidex + Global
AI Artificial Intelligence
XAI eXplainable AI
CLI Command Line Interface
GUI Graphical User Interface