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The goal of FidexGlo is to explain the model's decision for each sample by generating one or more explanation rules. It searches through the global ruleset generated by FidexGloRules. If no suitable rule is found, the algorithm calls Fidex to generate a local rule for the sample. The explanations provided by FidexGlo are in the form of activated rules, highlighting both the correct decision class (matching the model's decision) and incorrect decisions (where the attributes match, but the class differs from the model's decision).

Arguments list

The FidexGlo algorithm works with both required and optional arguments. Each argument has specific properties:

  • Is required means whether an argument must be specified when calling the program or not.
  • Type specifies the argument datatype.
  • CLI argument syntax is the exact name to use if you are writing the argument along with the program call.
  • JSON identifier is the exact name to use if you are writing the argument inside a JSON configuration file.
  • Default value is the value that will be used by the program if the argument is not specified. If None, it could mean that the argument is not used at all during the algorithm execution or could also mean that you have to specify it yourself.

Show help

Display parameters and other helpful information concerning the program usage and terminate it when done.

Property Value
Is required No
Type None
CLI argument syntax -h, --help or None
JSON identifier N/A
Default value None


If you use this argument, it must be the only one specified. No other argument can be specified with it.

JSON configuration file

File containing the configuration for the algorithm in JSON format (see more about JSON configuration files).

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --json-configuration-file
JSON identifier N/A
Default value None


If you use this argument, it must be the only one specified. No other argument can be specified with it.

Root folder path

Default path from where all the other arguments related to file paths are going to be based. Using this allows you to work with paths relative to this location and avoid writing absolute paths or lengthy relative paths.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --root_folder
JSON identifier root_folder
Default value .

Test data file

Path to the file containing test sample(s) data, it can contain predictions, and true classes too if fidex is used.

Property Value
Is required Yes
Type String
CLI argument syntax --test_data_file
JSON identifier test_data_file
Default value None

Global Rules file

Path to the file containing the global rules obtained with fidexGloRules algorithm.

Property Value
Is required Yes
Type String
CLI argument syntax --global_rules_file
JSON identifier global_rules_file
Default value None

Number of attributes

Number of attributes in the dataset (should be equal to the number of inputs of the model). Takes values in the range [1,∞[.

Property Value
Is required Yes
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --nb_attributes
JSON identifier nb_attributes
Default value None

Number of classes

Number of classes in the dataset (should be equal to the number of outputs of the model). Takes values in the range [2,∞[.

Property Value
Is required Yes
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --nb_classes
JSON identifier nb_classes
Default value None

Test prediction file

Path to the file containing predictions on the test portion of the dataset. If it is used, the test data file must only contain the test data.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --test_pred_file
JSON identifier test_pred_file
Default value None


The test data file can hold the predictions too. This means that it is possible to merge the content of the test prediction file into the test data file instead of using this parameter.

Explanation file

Path to the file where explanation(s), consisting of one or more explaining rules, will be stored for each test sample.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --explanation_file
JSON identifier explanation_file
Default value None

Attributes file

File containing attributes (inputs) and classes (outputs) names.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --attributes_file
JSON identifier attributes_file
Default value None

Logs output file

Name of file containing every feedback made by the algorithm during its execution. If not specified, the feedback is displayed in the terminal.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --console_file
JSON identifier console_file
Default value None

Using the minimal version

Whether to use the minimal version, which only gets correct activated rules. If fidex is used, it launches Fidex when no such rule is found.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Boolean
CLI argument syntax --with_minimal_version
JSON identifier with_minimal_version
Default value False

Use FidexGlo with Fidex

Whether to call Fidex while executing the FidexGlo algorithm when no rule can exaplain a sample in the global ruleset.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Boolean
CLI argument syntax --with_fidex
JSON identifier with_fidex
Default value False


If this parameter is set to True, there is another set of parameters to be specified too.

If Fidex is used


This section is only usable if the parameter named "use FidexGlo with fidex" is set to True.

Train data file

File containing the training portion of the dataset used to train the model, from which the ruleset/weights belong. It can also contain training true classes (see Train true classes file).

Property Value
Is required Yes
Type String
CLI argument syntax --train_data_file
JSON identifier train_data_file
Default value None

Train predictions file

File containing the predictions from the training portion of the dataset used to train the model.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --train_pred_file
JSON identifier train_pred_file
Default value None

Train true classes file

File containing "true classes" (expected predictions), from the training portion of the dataset used to train the model.

Property Value
Is required No**
Type String
CLI argument syntax --train_class_file
JSON identifier train_class_file
Default value None


This argument is not required if, and only if, the true classes are already specified inside the train data file.

Weights file

File containing the model trained weights.

Property Value
Is required No**
Type String
CLI argument syntax --weights_file
JSON identifier weights_file
Default value None


This argument is not required if, and only if, the rules file is specified instead.

Rules file

File containing the model trained rules.

Property Value
Is required No**
Type String
CLI argument syntax --rules_file
JSON identifier rules_file
Default value None


This argument is not required if, and only if, the weights file is specified instead.

Test true classes file

File containing "true classes" (expected predictions), from the test portion of the dataset used to train the model.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --test_class_file
JSON identifier test_class_file
Default value None


The true classes can also be specified inside the test data file. This means it is possible to merge classes into the test data file instead of using this parameter.

Maximum number of iterations

Maximum number of Fidex iterations allowed. Also the maximum possible number of antecedents in a rule. Takes values in the range [1,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --max_iterations
JSON identifier max_iterations
Default value 10


If you're working with images, we recommend setting this argument to 25.

Minimum covering

Minimal number of samples covered by every generated rule. Takes values in the range [1,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --min_covering
JSON identifier min_covering
Default value 2

Whether or not the algorithm uses a dichotomic strategy to compute a rule. This occurs when the algorithm fails to find a rule with the minimum covering value used.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Boolean
CLI argument syntax --covering_strategy
JSON identifier covering_strategy
Default value True

Maximum number of failed attempts

Number of attempts allowed to compute a rule that could not be found by the algorithm. Takes values in the range [0,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --max_failed_attempts
JSON identifier max_failed_attempts
Default value 30

Minimum fidelity

Lowest fidelity score allowed for a rule to be selected. Takes values in the range [0,1].

Property Value
Is required No
Type Float
CLI argument syntax --min_fidelity
JSON identifier min_fidelity
Default value 1.0

Minimum generated fidelity

Lowest fidelity score to which we agree to go down when a rule must be generated. Takes values in the range [0,1]

Property Value
Is required No
Type Float
CLI argument syntax --lowest_min_fidelity
JSON identifier lowest_min_fidelity
Default value 0.75

Number of rules

Number of Fidex rules to compute per sample when launching the Fidex algorithm. Takes values in the range [1,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --nb_fidex_rules
JSON identifier nb_fidex_rules
Default value 1

Dimension dropout

Percentage of dimensions that are ignored during an iteration. Takes values in the range [0,1].

Property Value
Is required No
Type Float
CLI argument syntax --dropout_dim
JSON identifier dropout_dim
Default value 0.0

Hyperplane dropout

Percentage of hyperplanes that are ignored during an iteration. Takes values in the range [0,1].

Property Value
Is required No
Type Float
CLI argument syntax --dropout_hyp
JSON identifier dropout_hyp
Default value 0.0

Number of stairs

Number of stairs in the staircase activation function used in the Dimlp layer during training. Takes values in the range [3,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --nb_quant_levels
JSON identifier nb_quant_levels
Default value 50

Normalization file

File containing the mean and standard deviation for specified attributes that have been normalized. If specified, it is used to denormalize the rules.

Property Value
Is required No
Type String
CLI argument syntax --normalization_file
JSON identifier normalization_file
Default value None


Mean or median of each attribute index specified in normalization indices that have been normalized. This argument is used alongside sigmas and normalization indices. If specified, it is used to denormalize the rules. Takes values in the range ]-∞,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No**
Type Float list
CLI argument syntax --mus
JSON identifier mus
Default value None


If sigmas or normalization indices are used, then this argument is required. Not used if a normalization file is given.


Standard deviation of each attribute index specified in normalization indices that have been normalized. This argument is used alongside mus and normalization indices. If specified, it is used to denormalize the rules. Takes values in the range ]-∞,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No**
Type Float list
CLI argument syntax --sigmas
JSON identifier sigmas
Default value None


If mus or normalization indices are used, then this argument is required. Not used if a normalization file is given.

Normalization indices

Indices of attributes that have been normalized. If specified, it is used to denormalize the rules. Index starts at 0. Each index takes values in the range [0,nb_attributes-1].

Property Value
Is required No**
Type List of integers
CLI argument syntax --normalization_indices
JSON identifier normalization_indices
Default value [0,...,nb_attributes-1]


If mus or sigmas are used, then this argument is required. Not used if a normalization file is given.


Number to feed the random generator. If 0, the randomness cannot be reproduced. If any other number x is used, you can reproduce the same output if x is re-used. Takes values in the range [0,∞[.

Property Value
Is required No
Type Integer
CLI argument syntax --seed
JSON identifier seed
Default value 0

Usage example


from dimlpfidex.fidex import fidexGlo

--root_folder dimlp/datafiles 
--test_data_file test_data.txt 
--test_pred_file predTest.out 
--global_rules_file globalRules.rls 
--nb_attributes 16 
--nb_classes 2 
--explanation_file explanation.txt 
--with_fidex true 
--train_data_file train_data.txt 
--train_pred_file predTrain.out 
--train_class_file train_class.txt 
--test_class_file test_class.txt 
--weights_file weights.wts"""
./fidexGlo --root_folder ../dimlp/datafiles --test_data_file test_data.txt --test_pred_file predTest.out --global_rules_file globalRules.rls --nb_attributes 16 --nb_classes 2 --explanation_file explanation.txt --with_fidex true --train_data_file train_data.txt --train_pred_file predTrain.out --train_class_file train_class.txt --test_class_file test_class.txt --weights_file weights.wts

Output interpretation

Explanation file

This file contains the explanations computed for each test data sample. An explanation is given by a bunch of correct activated global rules computed beforehand by FidexGloRules , as well as any incorrectly activated rules if present. If no rule is activated for a sample, one or more local rules are computed by Fidex. The file begins with global statistics about the ruleset, followed by the explanation for each test sample. Each explanation includes the model's prediction class its probability score (confidence). For both the correct and incorrect activated rules, the number of rules is provided, with rules ordered by their covering size and associated with their performance metrics. At the end of the file, a statistic is included showing the percentage of times that Fidex was called to generate a local rule.

Global Statistics:

Number of rules
Indicates the total number of rules in the ruleset.
Mean sample covering number per rule
The average number of training samples covered by each rule.
Mean number of antecedents per rule
Represents the average number of conditions (antecedents) in each rule.
Decision threshold
If present, indicates the decision threshold used for prediction.

Explanation of Each Rule:

Each rule consists of conditions on various attributes, followed by the predicted class, and is accompanied by several performance metrics. Let's break down this rule as an example:

Rule 1: X0>=0.65839 X1>=0.423139 X8>=0.105399 -> class 0
    Train Covering size : 121
    Train Fidelity : 1
    Train Accuracy : 0.950413
    Train Confidence : 0.97161
X0, X1, X8
These represent the variables from the dataset.
>=0.65839, >=0.423139, >=0.105399
The thresholds that the variable values must meet for the rule to be activated.
-> class 0
The class predicted by the rule when the conditions are met. Here, the rule predicts class 0.

Performance Metrics Associated with the Rule:

Train Covering size
Indicates the number of training samples that are covered by the rule. For Rule 1, it covers 121 samples.
Train Fidelity
Measures how well the rule aligns with the model’s predictions. A fidelity of 1 means that the rule exactly matches the model’s predictions for all the samples it covers.
Train Accuracy
The accuracy of the rule in correctly classifying the samples it covers. In the case of Rule 1, 95.04% of the covered samples are correctly classified.
Train Confidence
This is the average confidence score of the model’s predictions for the samples covered by the rules. It is computed based on the prediction scores of the covered samples, indicating the model’s confidence in its classifications. For Rule 1, the confidence is 97.16%.

Each subsequent rule follows the same structure.